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Address of Association:
SÜ AZIA Hondarearen Etxea - Jean-Baptiste Heugas Karrika 10-64130 Maule-Lextarre
Telephone and fax (00 33) 559 28 05 67-Webmail
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Office hours: weekdays from 10:30 to 12:30


What are we doing?

-We collect and classify texts, photos, sound recordings, or videos and others who deal about Xiberoa or  the Basque language of Xiberoa (xiberotarra)

-We produce and disseminate a variety of work (methods, study of verb forms, ancient texts to know ...), the Basque language of Xiberoa

-We produce translations in basque language of Xiberoa, for municipalities, businesses, associations, in fact, who needs it (persons, entities, ...)

-We share our heritage with  researchers and people interested in this area


xiberokobotzaekecoursmauleonXiberoan Euskaraz Bai Association pour la promotion du dialecte souletinEuskararen Erakunde Publikoa Office Public de la Langue BasqueEuskaltzaindia Académie basqueHerri alkargoaconseilgeneral


thanks toiut