Address of Association:
SÜ AZIA Hondarearen Etxea - Jean-Baptiste Heugas Karrika 10-64130 Maule-Lextarre
Telephone and fax (00 33) 559 28 05 67-Webmail
Office hours: weekdays from 10:30 to 12:30
What are we doing?
-We collect and classify texts, photos, sound recordings, or videos and others who deal about Xiberoa or the Basque language of Xiberoa (xiberotarra)
-We produce and disseminate a variety of work (methods, study of verb forms, ancient texts to know ...), the Basque language of Xiberoa
-We produce translations in basque language of Xiberoa, for municipalities, businesses, associations, in fact, who needs it (persons, entities, ...)
-We share our heritage with researchers and people interested in this area