The book "Aita artzain zen" is published
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Wishing you first all our best wishes for the year 2011, we just inform you that the book “Aita artzain sen” in Basque language of Xiberoa, adapted by Jean-Pierre (Panpeia) ETXEBARNE has been published.
This famous book, written by Robert LAXALT and published the first time in 1957 under the title "Sweet Promised Land”, has been adjusted twice in French - the last time in 2009 - under the title “Mon père était berger” and was also published twice in Euskara batua.
He had so far never been adapted in Basque language of Xiberoa, while Dominique LAXALT whose son Robert narrates his sheperd's life in the United States and his brief return home, was a native of Soule, specifically Laguinge-Restoue . Panpeia ETXEBARNE's work fills this gap.
If you wish to purchase this book, you can find it on sale, priced at 20 euros, in a number of stores: the local product store 'Herri Ekoizpenak' in Mauleon, Intermarché and the library Irrintzina in Chéraute, Elkar Megadenda in Bayonne, among others.
You can also get it by coming directly to the local Su Azia, the first floor of the Maison du Patrimoine (Heritage House) in Mauleon, where we will be pleased to discuss with you verbally.
Thanking you in anticipation for the welcome that you will do to this work, and we reiterate best wishes for the new year, we send you our euskaldun's greetings.
Jean-Louis Davant, Academician Emeritus Basque
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Jean-Louis Davant is one of two sitting Basque academicians - euskaltzain oso - representing the Soule in the Euskaltzaindia or Academy of the Basque Language. The other sitting academician is Txomin Peillen. Soule is also represented by an honorary academician - ohorezko euskaltzain - in the person of Junes CASENAVE , and two assistant academicians - euskaltzain urgazle - namely Battittu Coyos and JakesSARRAILLET .
According to a rule established some years ago by the Euskaltzaindia, Jean-Louis Davant is euskaltzain emeritu or Basque emeritusAcademician since July 5, 2010. It was at that time there he celebrated his 75th birthday. Becoming euskaltzain emeritu not detract from the prerogatives of academic full-service, he may attend meetings of the Euskaltzaindia, but has no moral obligation to do so, he retains the right to vote, but in case of absence, can not give power to another euskaltzain.
Also according to the regulations established by the Euskaltzaindia, the fact that Jean-Louis Davant has become euskaltzain emeritu requires the appointment of another full Basque Academician to represent the Soule in the Basque Language Academy. This appointment will be made after the next month of October .
In the meantime, we may express our greatest gratefulness to Jean-Louis Davant for all the work he has done in the service of the Basque language, since his appointment in Euskaltzaindia in 1975, and before as a writer of pastorals, books, collections of poems, and many other things. From my heart, thank you, Jean-Louis, and continue for a long time to keep the Basque language and Souletin dialect alive. The euskara badly need people like you.
The first performance of the pastoral Xahakoa has been a great success
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Very nice success for the first representation of the pastoral 'Xahakoa' this Sunday, July 25 at Barcus. Indeed, despite a downbeat passages cloudy and drizzly, 2,400 spectators were communed to the magic of the pastoral Souletine. Who would know this experience, remember that there will be two more performances of this show eminently popular, namely: Saturday, July 31, at night, and Sunday, August 8, during the day. The tickets can be purchased online at
Tribute and thanks to Father Junes CASENAVE
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Father Junes CASENAVE - who was president of SÜ Azia - takes a well deserved retirement, and retired to Saint-Palais.
They then give you an appointment this Sunday, July 11, at Municipal Hall Alçay. From 10:30, a mass, songs, dances, and speech will take place there.
Father CASENAVE Merit - oh - that we may be likely to come to thank and honor, this next Sunday in Alçay.
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