Discouvering the Sü Azia's collected sounds
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SÜ Azia is pleased to make you discover his collected sounds, collected and compiled by different people at different times : in the 60's , 70's, 90's , and more recently.
You can read this gem of collective memory , thanks to the participation of many partners who helped make this data accessible ; they are all warmly thanked .
Thank you to all the people who have given their consent : performers, authors, composers, actors and assigns , allowing the transmission of these documents for the future generations .
The documents to which you have access are free to listen (limited to one minute) . To listen fully, contact SÜ Azia through this address:
The collective fund is subject to the authorization of copyright holders and may not be copied or published commercially.
To access documents subject to authorization, ask SÜ Azia :
Catherine Arhex's tale
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Fifi the sheep, the story writed in french for children by Catherine Arhex, is now available in the basque language of Soule, Fifi ardittoa. Born in Laguinge Catherine Arhex is also the author of the illustrations. The inhabitant of Mauleon, Panpeia Etxebarne translated the book in the basque language of Soule.
The Osolasba's editions, from Goes Béarn, offers a bilingual edition of Fifi ardittoa.
Fifi ardittoa is not the first translation by Panpeia Etxebarne, president of Sü Azia. In 2010, he had translated into the basque language of Soulet Sweet Promised Land (My father was a shepherd in French) by Robert Laxalt, American writer with Soule's baskland's origins, under the title Aita artzain zen, and this year he translated the famous work of Antoine Saint-Exupéry's The Little Prince, (Printze Ttipia). Sü Azia is the editor of the two books.
To order Fifi ardittoa:
Price: 10 euros + postage
Directly: Sü Azia Maison du Patrimoine 64130 Mauléon Tél : 05 59 28 05 67
To order Printze ttipia:
Price: 17 euros + postage
To orderAita artzain zen:
Price: 20 euros + postage
Rene Cassin
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Vous n’avez pas pu voir cette pastorale ? Elle va être donnée une dernière fois à Bayonne, lieu de naissance de René Cassin, le dimanche 15 septembre à 15 h30 à la salle Lauga.
Selon l’usage, les 98 acteurs et 17 musiciens défileront le matin à partir de 11h30. Ils partiront de la salle Lauga jusqu’à la place de la Liberté pour rendre hommage à René Cassin, devant sa maison natale près de la Mairie.
La représentation débutera salle Lauga à 15 h 30 précises et comme d’habitude le livret basque-français permettra aux non-bascophones de suivre les péripéties de la vie du prix Nobel de la Paix.
Vive la pastorale !
Sü Azia took part to the eighteenth korrika
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Sü Azia took part to the eighteenth korrika, saturday marth 16 for the afternoon in Musculdy (km 495). On the photo the président with the baton.
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